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Saturday, June 23, 2012

Day 1.5 - Lightning Crashes

I can't recall in my childhood days of being very scared with such sight and sound. Yet here I am in the cozy confines of our bedroom, beside my son getting the comfort of his presence. I cringe, get frightened and needless to say, get so scared with the loud booming sound of it. I oh so dread it's sound. I hope I can drown it down with sleep.

Sound asleep right now is my baby, I'll try to keep up and shake off the fright whenever it booms its way as I doze off to sleep. Goodnight dear friends!

Day 1 - Newbie - To a Healthy Start

Hello all bloggers out there! This is me, a newbie with a lot of unfounded interests. I honestly don't know where to start and didn't plan nor thought of having my own bl- og. I just thought I won't have such time to post, write up and express my anyway, not so outlandish lifestyle. I thought it lame before when i think of myself as an adult to just be at home like on weekends or rest days from work, when there are gazillions of possibilities for fun. In retrospect to those who prefer to be home, I am also that and also half wanted to go out but don't know where to. So much for that at the moment, I have just yet to decide what to do next and I sure do hope I won't tire easily from posting, what-nots and good stuff here. By the way, I have to post this here, another milestone for my toddler today, and with me! I get to potty train him in the toilet itself. Well actually, yesterday was the first day but he get to understand to let me take him to the john and help him. I had to pause this post, so please try to understand how overwhelming this moment for me is.

Wow, I really feel the positivity coming in now!

This totally is a good start of my day...apart from enjoying a very healthy smoothie which led me to what I had in mind as my fresh and healthy start today and moving forward. If you're wondering, a smoothie? for breakfast? u-huh, you got it right. I have a healthy plan in my plate and it starts during breakfast, well it's the repertoire I have made a plan with since it's my most important meal of the day. Just to share my healthy breakfast smoothie, here it is, my Nana Yogi (Banana Yoghurt Smoothie)


1-2 ripe bananas (mashed)

3 tablespoons instant oatmeal (smoothen by adding 3 tablespoons of hot, recently boiled)

1/3 cup milk (skim milk is preferred)

2-3 tablespoons creamy yoghurt

1 tablespoon strawberry jam

1 teaspoon condensed milk (optional)

To prepare:

Simple, just add in everything one at a time in no particular order in a tumbler. Blend them all together if you like but i prefer savoring them bit by bit.

Indeed a very healthy and filling breakfast and great for all weight-watchers out there. Tell me if you notice a decrease in your weight if you regularly have this as your energy booster to start a busy day. The good or better news is, you can prepare this the night before. Take all else later if truly you're on a diet so to keep off anymore caloric content from your favorite b-fast i.e sunny side-up egg, bacon, hotdog and the like. You need to ingest and digest what you took in from the smoothie to keep off the fat, cholesterol and calories in your breakfast meal.

Oh well, got to be offline for tiny angel is begging for me to play with him. A blessed weekend to all. Ciao!